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  • Unlocking Growth with AI: From Landing Pages to Ad Headlines to UGC scripts

Unlocking Growth with AI: From Landing Pages to Ad Headlines to UGC scripts

How to use AI to get ideas and be more productive for your paid marketing

What's up, Marketers! This is Aazar.

This newsletter is about leveling up your paid growth marketing skills by analyzing the best brands' paid strategy, tactics, positioning, and value props.

This newsletter is divided into:

  • Sharing what I've learned

  • Sometimes sharing some other performance marketers’ lessons with you(this issue)

  • And I analyze & compare the best ads on the internet

Estimated read time: 5 minutes, 25 seconds.

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AI has changed the job marketing forever. But you can leverage it to boost your career like never before.

The main issue is the fact that only a small number of individuals have genuinely comprehended how to utilize it effectively. Understanding the AI advantage can save you numerous hours each week, enhance your efficiency, and ultimately help you make more money.

In this post, I’ll share what we can do with AI:

  1. How to create ads

  2. How to find value props

  3. How to do user research

  4. How to create single images

  5. How to create a landing pages

  6. How to create UGC scripts and briefs

  7. Bonus: How to summarize user research with reviews to find good ad concepts

Trevor Longino shared his process with The Performers recently. So, I am sharing this with you.

The whole point of AI is to get more done with less effort.

The key to using AI is to not give it a prompt. Instead, you answer its questions, and then make it work for you like an assistant. The best part is that it will give you prompts which will then yield better and better outputs.

The first things you're going to want to learn is how to tell ChatGPT to become a prompt creator. For this case, we’ll use “ice noodles” as our fake product.

Before you start, make sure you have ChatGPT4. (You can compare between free and paid versions.)

Use the following text to get ChatGPT to be your prompt creator:

I want you to become my Prompt Creator. Your goal is to help me craft the best possible prompt for my needs. The prompt will be used by you, ChatGPT. You will follow the following process:

Your first response will be to ask me what the prompt should be about. I will provide my answer, but we will need to improve it through continual iterations by going through the next steps.

Based on my input, you will generate 3 sections. a) Revised prompt (provide your rewritten prompt. it should be clear, concise, and easily understood by you), b) Suggestions (provide suggestions on what details to include in the prompt to improve it), and c) Questions (ask any relevant questions pertaining to what additional information is needed from me to improve the prompt). We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating the prompt in the revised prompt section until it's complete.

To follow the ice noodles business case and get more context, use this link to follow the entire story and then create one for yourself.

Step # 1: Use ChatGPT as your copywriting intern to get ideas (basic, ignore this if you’re a pro)

Continuing with the ice noodles product, we need to get ideas from ChatGPT. (Unlike with humans, it won’t feel offended if you say an idea sucks.)

Here’s the first copy and ideas for your ice noodles product:

Once you have this copy, you need to incorporate your personal value props and give it more context to provide more variants.

Step # 2: Landing copy to get language ideas (basic, ignore this if you’re a pro)

Before writing the landing page, get ideas based on a similar copy and products. It will give some words and text that you can definitely use in your copy.

Here is the result:

And then based on this iterate and keep chatting further to find more copy ideas.

Step # 3 - Get into your persona’s head without knowing them or reading reviews

One of the really powerful things you can do with Chat GPT is you can give it an instruction to become a person.

And once you give it instructions to become a person, you can then tell it to interview itself. And when it interviews itself, there's some additional things you can to tell it to do.

So in this case, our persona is a Gen Z in their late teens/early 20s. (I was thinking of my sister who's 22, although she's not named Naomi.)

Here’s the prompt:

Pretend that you are a 22-year-old woman named Naomi who loves soup but can't stand to eat it hot for some reason. Conduct an interview and ask why Naomi might not like eating soup that's hot and see if Ice Noodles--a self-cooling noodle that cools your soup for you--might be of interest.

Naomi should be prepared with steelman arguments for why a self-cooling noodle might not be the right solution for her, so I can understand how to overcome objections.

The way an LLM works is it samples trillions of blocks of text, and then as it's writing, it predicts what the most likely next word will be. And if you give it information like this up front, it's now going to go through the giant data set containing the trillions of phrases of text it has and look for ones that belong to this sort of person on the Internet.

As you're asking it these questions, it's narrowing its sample down to what this kind of person might say. This is actually a surprisingly good way to conduct user research; it’s extremely fast, completely free and infinitely variable.

Note: Naomi should be prepared with steelman arguments. It is basically you're telling ChatGPT, come up with the best reasons you can, why this is a bad idea, because then if I'm able to defeat those reasons in my marketing messaging, I'm overcoming the most likely complaints my potential user could have.

Here’s an example from this prompt that I got but would have otherwise missed:

My audience is GenZ and they care more about the environment than millennials.

The important thing here is to keep asking the questions that you would actually ask a customer to generate insights. Here are some questions I asked in my interviews:

  • What progress were they trying to make with product X?

  • Why did they choose one product over another?

  • What does success look like with product X?

  • How is product X different?

  • How would you describe product X to others?

  • Why would you recommend product X?

  • Why [persona name] would be missing out if they didn’t try product X?

And so on.

Step # 4 – How to find headlines and value props

Here’s the prompt that you need to give to ChatGPT:

You're an expert at marketing & branding and you've been tasked with explaining the main value proposition of a new company.


Ice Noodles are self-cooling noodles. It's a direct to consumer product for people who want a convenient way to quickly cool hot soup.


A Gen Z woman who loves soup but doesn't want to eat it when it’s super hot. Her possible reasons for liking her soup cold are: improved flavor profile of cooler soup, the need to eat while on the go, or a high sensitivity to hot temperatures.

Task 1:

Explain what the company does in 7 -12 words that speaks to the value that the user will get out of the product, not what the product itself does. You are to write 3 different versions of this product's value proposition, focusing on how it makes things less painful or more convenient for the user.

1. Use logic; talk about money or time saved or earned by using the product

2. Emotion: talk about the feeling that users have after using this product

3. Social proof: generate a believable quote by someone who used the product and liked it.

Task 2:

Explain what the company does in 7 -12 words that speaks to the value that the user will get out of the product, not what the product itself does. You are to write 3 different versions of this product's value proposition, focusing on how it creates benefits or improves the life of the user.

4. Use logic; talk about money or time saved or earned by using the product

5. Emotion: talk about the feeling that users have after using this product

6. Social proof: generate a believable quote by someone who used the product and liked it.

Task 3:

Explain what the company does in 7 -12 words that speaks to the value that the user will get out of the product, not what the product itself does . You are to write 3 different versions of this product's value proposition, focusing on a common story that the user of this product might identify with.

7. Use logic; talk about money or time saved or earned by using the product

8. Emotion: talk about the feeling that users get after using this product

9. Social proof: generate a believable quote by someone who used the product and liked it.

It's going to then generate output showing the value to the user in terms of time or money saved.

And then basically with these outputs you get nine different headlines; three for logic, three for emotion, and three for social proof.

If you want to, you can further modify this by specifying: only use positive language, or only use negative language. In this way, you can generate many, many ad headlines very, very quickly. But what you need to do is every time you use this, modify the product and modify the user. Once you've done that, here's the output you get out of this.

When you check ChatGPT4’s responses, they’re often better and could be used for your headlines.

Now, here you can get smart about which copy to use and create headlines out of it.

Let’s move into how to create image ads.

Step # 5 – Creating images ads with AI

There are a couple of tools where you can steal the prompt and create images.

You can search images you like and find the prompt to create images.

Keep iterating and searching until you find the perfect image and then put the headlines in Canva.

And voila! You’ll have headlines with ads.

Here’s the final ad image:

If you want to make multiple variations & in multiple formats, then use Creative Automatic.

I can’t lie here; the results are average, but in less than 30 minutes it’s come up with multiple ideas and formats that you can further iterate on.

In short, now you can:

  • Interrogate your audience

  • Understand the key value prop

  • Create the first version of the landing page

  • Come up with ad images with copy that you iterate on

This all seems fine as a process and workflow to follow. But is there an ad that Trevor created and it worked really well.

Trevor shared part of the landing page so you can see the final result and how it looks:

How do you like it so far?

If you want to learn more about this kind of marketing & how to build & launch your own marketing machine super fast? Check out his course on https://gotomarket.courses and tell him Aazar sent ya.

You can also find Trevor on LinkedIn.

How to create UGC scripts and briefs

But there’s more to this than just ads. Once you can write AI ad scripts, you can easily try TikTok AI script writer. It gave me a pretty good script copy when I tried it.

On theadvanced setting, you can get more specific about how to get good copy out of it.

I also tried AI script for one of my brands, and I have to say it is pretty close and definitely a good start:

Here is a longer script:

I would say, I will tweak the copy a little bit, but it does come close. The most important thing to remember is that we use this process to get ideas, and not to get the exact copy we need.

Please keep in mind that I'm not claiming these scripts are the absolute best, but they are quite good. With a bit of editing and refinement, they have the potential to become GREAT.

Here’s another way to get AI to help you write scripts the way you want.

I learned this from Ashwin from his ChatGPT guide.

Here’s the prompt I found in Ashwin’s guide and I reworked it for me:

You're an expert copywriter and TikTok UGC expert who has been tasked to write an effective script for a TikTok ad that will compel the users to purchase a product.

Set up script in table format, divide into the following sections: Hook > short intro to the product > talking about the problem before + agitating the pain > introducing the product as a solution + sharing the benefits that are aligned with features > reducing anxiety with social proof > asking a rhetorical question that emphasizes the outcomes + harmless CTA. Focus on direct response principles to write a script that will persuade users to take the desired action of purchasing the product.

The TikTok ad is for the following product: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/kinedu-baby-development-plan/id741277284

You can now give more instructions to ChatGPT to make it even more effective with tone, length and some important keywords you want it to include.

Now get more specific with b-rolls and hooks to improve it even further.

I like it and now I don’t need to start from zero.

Here’s the link to my ChatGPT script prompt if you want to keep it for yourself.

The whole point is to give it multiple script structures in order to get script ideas that you could have written. Give it to your UGC creators and they’ll be thankful to you for doing the preliminary work.

And now with the script, you can even give it a brief:

Bonus: How to use customer reviews to come up genuine ad hooks and angles without hours of research

I’ve summarized everything in the video below:

You can get this sheet and AI playbook here for $79 (Transparency time: It’s an affiliate link, but it will cost you nothing).

Hope these scripts help you a little bit and inspire you to use ChatGPT. Let it be your new best friend and help you become more efficient. This is the future with AI: do more by doing less.

Happy Growing with Paid Social,

Aazar Shad

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